Tips and Recommendations

Helpful Tips To Keep Your Office Clean

Helpful Tips To Keep Your Office Clean

Apart from your house, your office is where you spend most of your time and maintaining a clean office means a healthy environment for you, your employees and a presentable establishment for clients. Let’s have a look at some helpful tips to keep your office clean.

Whether you run a consulting business from your home office or run a big establishment outside your home, keeping yourself organised is essential for you to do your job well.

An office is a commercial space that witnesses a staggering amount of traffic daily leaving piles of accumulated dust and dirt on the floor. An untidy office can set a wrong impression on visitors and clients, spoiling an organised work ethic. 

Why Is a Clean Office Space Important?

No matter what type of business you have, managing your office’s cleanliness and tidiness is vital. It sets a professional image of your business to clients and visitors.

A clean and tidy office environment will increase hygiene, enhance company morale and customer relations. In turn, this leads to a boost in productivity. 

7 Tips For A Clean Office

Your office can significantly change by taking just a few simple cleaning steps and introducing a few little rules.

So, we’ve come up with a list of handy hints to maintain a clean and tidy environment in your office:

Clean On The Go:

Have at arm’s reach cleaning essential like disinfectant spray, screen wipes, clothes, polish and paper towel. You can have them readily available in a designated drawer or cupboard in the office.

Ensure everyone is aware of supplies availability so it will be straightforward to clean up as soon as the need arises.

Cleaning up in bits can prevent clutter and unnecessary mess. It’s better to clean on the go rather than waiting for weeks or months as this can turn into an enormous cleaning task that can cost you more time and money.

Instil this habit in other staff as well.

Maximise Your Office Space:

Sometimes offices can look untidy simply because of the layout. Desks take up the majority of space in any office but for this reason.

Therefore, you may have to take a look around and consider whether the placement of furniture is tidy and allows for the most comfortable accessibility and most possible free space.

If it doesn’t, you should change the arrangement to let go of all visual and unorganised clutter. 

This will also make the spaces look more spacious, comfortable to clean, making it look neater. 

Reorganise All Office Items:

The busy schedule and workload in an office usually lead to a cluttered desk. However, there is nothing as unsightly as a littered desk. Start with sorting all crucial documents and putting them in proper files and folders.

There needn’t be anything present on every office desk, other than the computer screen, keyboard, telephone, possibly a notepad and a few office supplies. If there’s anything else hanging around decide whether it needs to be there.

Everything from pens, papers, sticky notes, office supplies need to be in place. Straighten out the office documents and throw unwanted papers, food wrappers and other trash away.

Pass on this ideation to all other staff that’ll make the entire office look organised and minimalist.

Sort Hanging Wires And Cables:

The smallest of items can make the biggest of differences in the overall neatness of the office. A cluster of dangling wires and cables in an office can be distracting and unpleasant.

They can become unnecessary clutter and mess the office space. You need pro-active to eliminate the mess and clutter caused by cables and wires around the office.

There are several ways of hiding cables; you can get furniture designed to solve this issue or get a surge protector to conceal the wires. 

No Food On Desk Policy: 

Eating in the office or not cleaning up immediately after eating is one of the terrible things that make your workspace dirty and unhygienic. Food often is a source of mess within the office.

Eating the office desk guarantees a messy workspace as it leaves food crumbs, greasy stains and gross fingerprints that make the workspace extremely dirty if not cleaned afterwards. 

You may apply a ‘no food on your desk’ policy that must be strictly adhered to. But when work gets busy, and it’s still impossible to implement the no food on desk rule because people have to stay at their desk to have lunch while working, then make sure to dust, and other particles accumulate over time. 

And ensure to dispose of unfinished foods in the bins located in the office area rather than put them at your desk.

Organise the files properly Using Filing Cabinets:

There is no doubt that an office will have files. However, work schedules and time pressures can often mean that things are put back in the wrong place or not put back at all.

Once any work is completed, don’t just scatter them around your desk, file any documents that are no longer required.

Depending on what type of work you do, you can develop a filing system, ensuring that everything stays in its correct place. File cabinets are some of the things that make it easy to keep the workspaces organised and less messy.

Making time to ensure your storage is in order does not only make your desk look tidy but saves time when it comes to finding what you need, creates order and keeps you feeling in control.

Disinfecting and Sanitising:

A germ-free office is a healthy office. The same can be applied to computers and keyboards.

With multiple users touching the same surfaces now and again, it’d be surprised to know the rate at which germs spread fast in an office environment.

You’ll want to keep a hand sanitiser in stock and effortlessly follow the procedure of disinfecting all surfaces such as desks, computer screens, keyboards, pantry stove, and chair handles daily.

Disinfecting and sanitising the office spaces can kill all accumulated germs and bacteria, leading to a healthier environment. 

You can buy certain disinfectants  and encourage the use of sanitisers among your employees now and then. 

Hire a Professional Cleaning Service:

The frequency that office cleaning is required depends on the type of business and traffic they experience. To maintain a polished image, entice customers and encourage their return business, an office requires frequent cleans. 

If things are too busy in your office, or you own a huge office area that’s simply impossible to handle alone, you might want to hire a janitor or a commercial cleaning company to maintain it.

These helpers are thoroughly trained and well equipped to clean your office with quicker and better results. Commercial cleaning services can handle all types of office cleaning needs. 

The truth is that workers and customers bustling activities can make keeping an office pretty hard to keep looking clean and organised.

However, putting in measures around the office can promote a cleaner working environment before the cleaning schedule. 

Remember, keeping your office clean gives the staff the chance to focus better, feel more relaxed in the work environment, and boost productivity. A clean and tidy office also means a presentable establishment for clients.